Rural Superintendents


Rural communities have unique strengths and opportunities for innovation. Their small and close-knit nature provides fertile ground for engaging entire communities to be part of ...

Former Public School Teachers Find Happiness In Entrepreneurship

Education entrepreneurs in the Heartland and across the U.S. are finding joy in launching their own innovative learning programs and are spreading that joy to ...

Parents who switched to alternative schools amid pandemic are sticking

Parents have largely opted to continue alternative education options as public school enrollment has fallen
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Teachers increasingly turning to digital, self-created materials for lessons

Only 23% of teachers said they exclusively use printed textbooks in their classrooms, according to a survey by Bay View Analytics.
new microschools accessible cover

New Microschools Are More Accessible Than Ever

Microschools like Micah Studios make schooling alternatives possible for families that want them, while school choice programs, like New Hampshire’s tax-credit scholarship program and education ...

Why parents who moved kids to alternative schools amid pandemic are keeping them there

Distance. Cost. Curriculum. Educators. These factors and countless others are what drive American parents to choose one type of schooling for their kids over another. And once ...

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