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The Importance of Holding Microschools Accountable

As school choice expands and new models such as microschools emerge, policymakers and advocates must ensure that these options adhere to accountability standards and do not divert critical resources from a universally accessible, high-quality public education system. The rapid growth of microschools and their acceptance of taxpayer dollars in certain ...

One country wants to close math achievement gaps by ending academic tracking

For years, much like in the United States, New Zealand has worried about sliding student proficiency in mathematics, as captured by both national and international test scores. Later this month — the beginning of the New Zealand school year — the country is launching an overhaul of mathematics instruction that education leaders ...

The arts can help students strengthen social-emotional skills

Research suggests the arts can help students develop empathy and compassion — even if they’re only viewing a work or performance. Going to plays and steeping oneself in the experience of another — even through a fictional tale — can boost social-emotional skills like empathy in middle school students when paired with ...

The number of 18-year-olds is about to drop sharply, packing a wallop for colleges — and the economy

That’s because the current class of high school seniors is the last before a long decline begins in the number of 18-year-olds — the traditional age of students when they enter college. This so-called demographic cliff has been predicted ever since Americans started having fewer babies at the advent of ...
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